DevCon: the CSS in-house developer conference

DevCon: die hauseigene Entwicklerkonferenz der CSS

They’re here to discuss, exchange information and talk shop. Along the corridors of the CSS headquarters in Lucerne, people flock from one meeting room to the next. The image shows it as it is: DevCon, CSS’s in-house developer conference.

All you want to know about software development

DevCon is our internal conference dedicated to software development. Every year, around 120 employees devote an entire day to software development and other related subjects. The aim of DevCon is to create a platform where employees can share their internally or externally acquired knowledge.

Anyone and everyone is welcome to present subjects of interest, take a look beyond their day-to-day work or simply expand their CSS network.
Kay Hartmann, Tech Lead and member of the DevCon organising committee

A day full of exciting topics

At DevCon, employees can enjoy not only two to three parallel tracks with compelling sessions in various formats, but also the opportunity to attend interactive workshops. What makes it special? All CSS employees can register to share their content – primarily in relation to software, but also sometimes on unrelated topics such as hormones.

The organising committee reveals: behind the scenes at DevCon

Max and Peter are members of the DevCon organising committee and explain in their own words the importance of this event for themselves and for CSS.

Exchange is important

Exchanging knowledge with others is highly important and participants value the opportunity. Over lunch, for example, those with similar interests share their ideas and thoughts. But that's not all! The day ends with an after-party in Lucerne which provides the perfect setting for informal discussions and networking. Behind this impactful event is a dedicated crew without whom this packed programme of interest would not be possible.

A passionate DevCon organising committee 

Every year, a hard-working team of software developers takes the time to organise DevCon. They put their heart and soul into making this event a success. From room planning and recruiting speakers to creating the schedule and organising internal advertising – this is all taken care of by our team of five.

Added value for staff and CSS

Software development is often seen as a complicated or even complex form of knowledge-based work. A rapid exchange of knowledge between employees is crucial in order to develop effective solutions quickly. In this respect, events such as DevCon play a fundamental role. Apart from the pure exchange of knowledge and the fun factor, the organising committee emphasises the invaluable importance of personal encounters at an in-company event.

Especially due to our flexible working arrangements like remote working, it’s important to also meet and exchange ideas with colleagues in person.
Dominique Latza, Software Developer and member of the DevCon organising committee

Widely appreciated

The organising committee regularly receives positive feedback, particularly through the survey conducted after the event. This valuable feedback is directly channelled into enhancing the event in the future. At the same time, the committee members appreciate the conference too, made all the more thrilling by the diversity of exchanges and insights into new topics.

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