DevCon: the CSS in-house developer conference
The CSS head office in Lucerne is buzzing with life, with people flocking from one room to the next, full of ideas and deep in conversation. DevCon, our in-house developer conference at CSS, is an annual event that brings together employees and external guests, giving them the chance to share their knowledge and expand their networks.
All you want to know about software development
DevCon is a developer conference held by CSS that welcomes not only internal staff members but external guests too. Each year, around 160 employees and external participants spend a day exploring the latest developments in software engineering and related fields.
DevCon is special because it takes us out of our daily routines for a day and creates space for new subjects and perspectives.
Range of topics at DevCon
DevCon attendees are presented with a diverse mix of parallel tracks, featuring inspiring sessions and interactive workshops. A unique aspect is that all CSS employees have the opportunity to contribute their own topics. This year’s range of topics included everything from The Pragmatic Architect and Generative AI at CSS to Digital Biomarkers for a Health Vision 2030 and An Overview of ML models at CSS.
The conference’s main focus falls on software development and adjacent fields, although each speaker can choose their own subject, making room for exciting topics not related to software. Sessions are offered in various formats and lengths, allowing participants to tailor their day to their interests.
Gaining an inside view of CSS as an external guest is incredibly enriching. It’s fascinating to see how much we have in common – it shows that our challenges are often the same.
Exchanges and networking
A key part of DevCon are the personal exchanges. The shared lunch break and after-party in Lucerne offer plenty of opportunities to network with colleagues and continue discussions in a relaxed setting. These informal gatherings encourage the exchange of ideas and strengthen networks within CSS.
Exchanges with others is what drives us forward – you get into conversations and often discover topics that don’t focus in your daily business. That’s where the true value lies.
Added value for participants
Software development is often seen as a demanding form of knowledge-driven work. Rapid and focused knowledge exchange is crucial for developing effective solutions. In this context, events like DevCon play a key role by encouraging dynamic exchange and face-to-face encounters. This is how DevCon not only strengthens our team spirit but also enhances the efficiency of our working style, living up to the motto: The more we learn from each other, the more successful we are together.
DevCon greatly strengthens our sense of community. We come together, pool our strengths and create something remarkable together.
Impressions of DevCon
Dedicated organising committee
Each year, a passionately committed software development team works hard to organise DevCon. From scheduling rooms and speakers to arranging catering and the after-party, the seven-member committee sees to every detail.
DevCon arose from the passion of our employees and has continuously evolved over the years. It reflects how much the appetite for spirited exchange has grown at CSS.
Looking ahead to DevCon 2025
This year’s DevCon was once again a highlight for all involved, marked by exciting sessions, dynamic exchanges and a fantastic sense of community. But the DevCon journey continues! Preparations for DevCon 2025 are already under way, promising even more innovative topics and fresh perspectives.
It’s fantastic that a company sets aside a day to bring employees together and encourage exchange. You leave DevCon full of impressions and inspired by the topics that shape our work and future.
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