Father with daughter in park

Our responsibility

CSS is an advocate of high quality, cost-efficient healthcare. We have been highly committed to social, economic and environmental issues for many years.

This responsibility guides our actions

Corporate Governance

We follow the guidelines and principles of good corporate governance.
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Tomorrow's healthcare

Successful interaction between all stakeholders is essential.
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Health policy

We act on concerns by proposing policy solutions.
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CSS Institute

The purpose of the CSS Institute is scientific research and teaching.
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We take responsibility – socially, environmentally and economically.
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We promote service provider quality through assessments and audits.
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Your health partner

As a health partner, we are committed to leading a healthy life, actively taking steps to regain one's health and developing a mindful approach to illness.

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Health initiative from CSS

Healthy all year long

Healthier day-to-day living with active365 and enjoy365.

Let us assist you