Risk compensation
A system of mandatory insurance, with a requirement to admit all applicants and a uniform premium, needs a functioning system of risk sharing and compensation between insurers. Otherwise the incentives under the current system to hold as many "good risks" (and as few "bad risks") as possible in the portfolio are too great. Optimised risk compensation makes the hunt for healthy insured persons and the marginalisation of sick ones unattractive. It is the prerequisite for meaningful competition on the domestic market, with a focus on the cost of services. CSS therefore welcomed the Federal Council’s decision to further refine the risk compensation system by taking into account a further morbidity factor in two steps (the cost of medication since 2017 and pharmaceutical cost groups since 2020). The current design of the risk compensation system has proven fit for purpose and contributed to the consolidation of the health insurance market; there is no need to expand it further.
Your health partner
As a health partner, we are committed to leading a healthy life, actively taking steps to regain one's health and developing a mindful approach to illness.