

CSS values opportunities to engage in exchange with its service providers, and takes various steps to promote this. Our annual events provide a platform for networking and discussing the latest issues on a personal level. We also make it easy for service providers to exchange data with us electronically through EDI. This lowers costs and reduces the time and effort spent on administration.

The advantages for you

  • You save time: digital billing mean less work.
  • You cut costs: you spend less money on administration.
  • We work faster together: processes become more efficient. This means you get paid quicker.
  • Security guaranteed: your data is transmitted in line with the highest data privacy and security standards.

Whether digital billing or exchanging commitments to provide cover online...

...electronic data interchange brings a whole range of benefits. Reduce the time and money spent on administration by sending us your bills digitally. You can do this simply and securely using the Forum Datenaustausch organisation's XML standard.

Connecting made easy

Would you like to submit bills electronically? We'll show you how easy it is.
Find out more

Any questions?

We answer the most frequently asked questions on electronic billing.
Read answers

Write or call

You can reach us via the contact form or by phone.
Get in touch

It couldn't be easier

You agree the XML standard, tariff and provider with us.

Once these points have been defined, you can start submitting your bills electronically. Any rejected bills will also be sent back to you electronically.

Data protection is important to us

When process the health data of insured persons, CSS is subject to strict data protection regulations. Alongside legal requirements, the employees of CSS must also comply with internal guidelines on data processing.