A Coach for all health questions

 A woman is standing at a large window making a phone call.

Our Health Coaches offer CSS clients comprehensive counselling. The team consists of experts in nutrition, exercise, mental health and patient care. The coaches provide support, information and mediation services on clients’ individual health questions.

Ideal weight regained with coaching

CSS client Alexander Wyss switched his workplace from construction site to office desk. The scales soon showed a surplus of 20 kilos. The 39-year-old was determined to get back to his original weight and purchased the Betty Bossi weight loss programme from the enjoy365 offer platform. Because he wanted additional support, he contacted the CSS Health Coach hotline. After the first conversation, he agreed to focus on integrating more exercise into his daily life.

Health Coach

CSS Health Coaches can help clients improve their health. They are experts in nutrition, exercise, mental health and patient care and provide advice, support and motivation to CSS clients wanting to actively do something for their health. The first coaching session is free of charge to CSS clients.

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Easy-to-access service

Like Alexander Wyss, CSS clients can contact the Health Coaches with their enquiries by phone (058 277 46 00) or by filling in a contact form. Experts from various fields are available from Monday to Friday. Appointments can also easily be made online. Having such easy access to the services is the big benefit for clients. A call is all it takes to book a non-binding introductory conversation.

Health Coach Dominic introduces himself

Dominic explains how uncomplicated health coaching at CSS is and how exactly it operates. (in german)

Coaching enables behavioural changes

Health coaching entails changing a person’s lifestyle habits to form a healthier lifestyle. Together, Alexander Wyss and his coach developed a tailored training routine, starting with two to three 30-minute exercise sessions a week, and later rising to three to four. As Alexander Wyss likes hiking, he started his endurance training with walks, short sessions on the running machine and strength-building workouts. Over time, the coaching sessions also addressed the topic of a balanced diet.

CSS client Alexander Wyss
Back to his ideal weight: CSS client Alexander Wyss has lost 16 kilos since starting the coaching.

And now the kilos are falling away

Many people lack the motivation – or don’t know how – to change unhealthy lifestyle habits. This is where the Health Coaches come in. But good results depend on personal motivation, as the example of Alexander Wyss shows: “I jog twice a week and do weight training twice a week. I also often go hiking in the mountains or take a ride on my bike.” His fitness level is significantly better and the kilos are falling away: since having coaching, his weight has dropped by 16 kilos.

Health coaching doesn't replace a doctor

The health coaching team represents a range of disciplines: nutritionists, sports scientists, psychologists, midwives, medical practice assistants and care providers. They provide support, information and mediation services. But this doesn’t replace a consultation with a doctor or therapist. Rather, the Coaches assess with CSS clients where they stand and what support they need. Depending on the situation, this information can be a useful contribution to the dialogue between medical specialists and patients.