Why legal pro­tec­tion makes sense

A woman leans backward against a large wall of cupboard, a book in her hand and a pen in her mouth.

Legal disputes are usually unexpected. And can cost a lot of money. Legal Expenses In­sur­ance takes immediate effect and helps avoid nasty surprises.

So who is right?

You will generally need to get expert advice. As if a legal dispute wasn't already strenuous enough, the lawyers' fees and administration costs will also quickly add up.

Legal Expenses In­sur­ance covers these costs

  • Full coverage of lawyers' fees and court costs.
  • Legal opinions and appraisals.
  • Any legal costs awarded to the opposing party.
  • Translation and travel costs.
Up to 15% discount on legal protection Help with a legal dispute.
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Insure additional disputes

  • Internet Legal Expenses Insurance: Benefits covering phishing, hacking and credit card fraud
  • Bullying Legal Expenses Insurance: Workplace bullying, threats and blackmail
  • Legal Expenses Insurance for Patients: Disputes with doctors and hospitals
  • Legal Expenses Insurance for Other Properties in Switzerland
  • Legal Expenses Insurance for Landlords in Switzerland

Advantages of being well insured

Legal Expenses Insurance ensures you are well protected when you really need it most. And it has several other advantages: there is no retention fee and no minimum amount in dispute.

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