Change address

You've moved and want to let us know your new address.

Let’s start with your client number

You can find the 8-digit number on your insurance card or on a CSS document.

Everything you need to know about changing address

It's important to notify your health insurer of any change of address to ensure that you continue to receive all the important information.

New address – new premium?

The premiums for basic insurance depend on where you live, your age, and what deductible you choose. The premium may change at the new place of residence. You will then receive a new policy.

Search for a new doctor

Are you looking for a doctor at your new place of residence? Finding the right medical professional or network near you couldn’t be easier. A change of doctor is possible at any time.

Check household contents cover

When you move, you should check the value of your household contents and adjust your household contents insurance. New furniture or a bigger apartment could increase the value of your household contents. If the sum insured is too low, you won’t be covered for the full damage when you make a claim. There will even be reductions for smaller claims.

Did you know? You get up to 30% no-claims discount, plus 10% discount if you’re already insured with CSS.

Tips for a successful move

Moving house involves a lot of work, both at the old location and the new. Moving on your own or unprepared is hardly feasible. A moving checklist will help you keep track.