Woman on the phone in front of her cello

Multimed – ideal for high medical bills

With Multimed, you pay CHF 300 less as a retention fee. You contact your Multimed practice or the tele­medi­cine centre whenever you have concerns about your health.

Calculate premium

The advantages for you

  • Reduced retention fee: just CHF 400 instead of CHF 700 a year.
  • The Multimed practice, telemedicine centre or Symptom Checker in the Well app is your first point of contact.
  • You get a discount of at least 15% on the premium for your basic insurance.
  • Medical advice is available 24/7 on 058 277 77 77.
  • CSS clients can find fantastic offers in the enjoy365 Health Shop and use the active365 app for free.

Multimed at a glance

Cheaper medication

Convenient & cheap – you order your medication at a discount from online pharmacies.

You can't go any lower

You pay less for the retention fee: just CHF 400 instead of CHF 700 a year.

Medical treatment

Go directly to your Multimed family doctor or call the telemedicine hotline first.

Arrange an appointment digitally

Book your telemedicine appointment online via myCSS.

Go directly to a specialist

You can see an eye doctor, gynaecologist or midwife directly.


A combination of family doctor and telemedicine. You'll find it mentioned under this name on the policy.

How the Multimed model works

Do you have high medical bills? And would you like to keep your retention fee low? Then we recommend the Multimed model.

What should you do in the event of illness?

Under the Multimed model, you contact your Multimed practice, call the tele­medi­cine centre or use the Symptom Checker in the Well app.

Ask a medical professional

Call the telemedicine centre on 058 277 77 77, where medical professionals are available to advise you round the clock. They will help you determine what treat­ment you need and set a time frame for it.

Check your symptoms digitally

The Symptom Checker in the Well app gives you an initial assessment in just a few minutes.

How much will the premium cost each month?

Premiums depend on where you live, your age and what deductible you choose.

Your premium at a glance

Calculate premium

What you need to know about the Multimed model

Multimed gives you freedom to act. You have the opportunity to use various digital services in relation to your treatment.

With Multimed, the choice is yours: Multimed family practice or telemedicine centre.

Time frame for treatment

Is treatment by a specialist required? You need a time frame covering the duration of this treatment. You can get this from your Multimed practice or by calling the telemedicine centre on 058 277 77 77. The treatment must only be administered by the specified medical professional. Notify the Multimed practice or telemedicine centre if you get referred.

View time frame in myCSS

You can find all your time frames for treatment in myCSS. It will also show you when a time frame expires and how you can extend it.

Special treatment

Your Multimed practice may refer you to a specialist for more in-depth ex­aminations. The telemedicine centre can also refer you, depending on the situation. You can go directly to the following medical professionals: eye doctors, gynaecologists and midwives.

What to do in an emergency

If you require emergency treatment, you can go directly to an emergency doctor or to hospital. Inform your Multimed practice or the telemedicine centre of any emergency treatment you receive in hospital or from an emergency doctor within 10 days.

Pay less for medication

Under the Multimed model you buy low-cost generics or biosimilars, thus helping to lower healthcare costs. You can get medicine on repeat prescription from your Multimed practice or at a discount in these online pharmacies.

What are the rules?

The rules ginclude informing your Multimed practice or the telemedicine centre about all treatments and referrals, and obtaining their approval. That way, you pay lower premiums.

Anyone not following the rules will face financial consequences. You will have to pay up to CHF 500 per doctor’s bill from your own pocket. If you use original products instead of generic medicines or biosimilars, additional costs may arise.

Basic insurance benefits

Overview of benefits

Outpatient treatment / classical medicine

Cost coverage according to the tariff, throughout Switzerland, for treatment by recognised doctors, chiropractors, dieticians, midwives, speech therapists, physiotherapists, ergotherapists, nurses and nursing auxiliaries

Outpatient treatment / alternative medicine

Acupuncture, anthroposophic medicine, Chinese medicine, homeopathy and phytotherapy: Cost coverage according to the tariff, throughout Switzerland, for treatment by recognised doctors with an FMH qualification in the respective field of complementary medicine


Cost coverage without limit to sum or duration in the general ward (hospital/acute-care hospital) in accordance with the current cantonal hospital list

Health promotion / prevention

As stipulated in article 12 of the Health Insurance Benefits Ordinance

Frequently asked questions

The easiest way to find recognised doctors near you is to use the premium calculator or the Multimed search function. You can change your doctor at any time.

Under Multimed, there are currently no restrictions on where you obtain your medical aids.

Important: basic insurance pays for medical aids that are included on the aids and appliances list (MiGeL) issued by the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH). Special rules apply to purchases made abroad. We’re happy to answer any questions.

Save the number 058 277 77 77 to obtain free medical advice. If you contact other telemedicine service providers or use apps other than Well or myCSS, you will be billed for their services.


The Multimed practice and the telemedicine centre are your coordination partners. Both coordinate your treatment. That way, you benefit from the knowledge and experience of both parties, enabling a high quality of treatment.

How to save on premiums

Premiums depend on where you live, your age and what deductible you choose.

Higher deductible

The higher the deductible, the lower the premium. How to make the right choice.
Change deductible

Switch model

Change your medical point of contact and pay less.
Switch model

Exclude accident cover

If you work at least 8 hours a week, you can save on premiums.
Change accident cover