Young woman with blue hair photographing a bill with smartphone

Bills & payments

Paying premium statements, submitting doctor's bills, understanding benefit statements – all your questions on bills and payments are answered here.

Paying premium statements

By paying the premium statement, you pay for the insurance cover taken out under the terms of your contract. We recommend paying by eBill or direct debit – perfect in combination with myCSS. If you receive a premium reduction, it will be shown on your premium statement.

eBill – pay bills in e-banking

eBill lets you receive all your bills from CSS directly in your e-banking system. You can then pay them directly or reject them.

How to activate eBill

  1. Log in to your bank’s e-banking system.
  2. Go to 'eBill' and choose CSS.
  3. eBill will then apply to all the bills you receive from CSS. You’ll still receive statements on paper until the changeover has been completed.

Direct debit (LSV) / Debit Direct (DD)

With LSV you give us permission to directly debit your account. This applies to your premium statements – and, if you like, to your benefit statements too.

How to authorise your bank

  1. Fill out the payment authorisation form.
  2. Send it to your bank, or, if you use PostFinance, to CSS.
  3. It takes up to eight weeks to switch to direct debit (LSV). You will receive paper statements until then.

Payment slip with QR code

The statement will be sent to you by post or digitally to your myCSS account. Use the original bill when making payment as the QR code contains all the important information required. That way, you can avoid mistakes and unwanted reminders.

Counter payment fees

Swiss Post charges CSS for payments made at the post office counter. These counter payment fees are passed on to the individual clients in question.

Submitting bills

Bills from doctors, therapists, hospitals, pharmacies and other service providers: let us show you how to submit them and get your money back. No matter whether the bill is sent directly to CSS or to you.

Tiers garant – the bill is addressed to you

Check the bill and pay it. Send the bill to us for reimbursement. We’ll refund the amount, minus your co-payment. You’ll receive a benefit statement from us.

Tiers payant – the bill is addressed to us

We pay the bill. You receive the benefit statement, where you can see how high your co-payment is. You’ll receive a copy of the bill directly from the biller.

Statement for home help

Find out who is entitled to home help, how to get a commitment to provide cover, and how to bill the costs.

Refund of transport costs

Are you no longer able to make your own way to treatment due to illness or accident? We explain who is entitled to a refund of the cost of transport.

Understanding benefit statements

Whether it’s for a visit to the doctor, a stay in hospital or other medical services – the benefit statement shows who pays for which costs.

You can view all your benefit statements for the last 5 years in myCSS.

Details on the benefit statement

  • It shows you which doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and other service providers have sent bills for your treatment to CSS.
  • You find out how much money basic insurance and supplementary insurance pay towards your treatment.
  • You see how high your deductible and retention fee are. Together they make up the co-payment, which you pay from your own pocket.

Sample benefit statement

Sample benefit statement
The benefit statement shows who bears which costs.