Insurance for illness and disability

 Better writing: A man in a wheelchair leaves a coffee through the door.

One minute everything's fine, and the next you find yourself flat on your back for weeks following an accident. Or serious ill health means you're unable to work for a while or take care of the housekeeping. The right kind of cover can make sure you don't have to use up your savings.

Properly insured against accidents

You stumble badly or fall off your bike. That's all it takes to end up with an arm or a leg in plaster for the next few weeks. Fortunately, accident insurance pays in such cases. Anyone who works at least 8 hours a week for the same employer is automatically insured. The employer's accident insurance will pay up even if the accident happens during the employee's free time.

Serious illness or the consequences of an accident

But what if the accident has consequences, or you're diagnosed with a serious condition and suddenly confronted with the prospect of disability or a long-term stay in hospital? Being prepared for what lies ahead never does any harm. Just the opposite: the right insurance helps protect your quality of life and gives you financial security.

Health insurance premiums at a glance

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Illness, death, disability: these types of insurance pay

No one likes thinking about death or serious illness. Yet they are both important topics. Death and Disability Insurance provides a sound financial cushion.

Financial aid paid out directly

If you become disabled or fall ill, up to CHF 1,050,000 is paid out. As well as covering your loss of earnings, this also lets you carry out any necessary home alterations or buy any aids you may need. Occupational retraining is also included – if not already, or only partly, covered by Federal disability insurance (IV).

Valuable support in difficult times

If you die, your loved ones will receive a lump-sum payment. This ensures they won't be left with financial difficulties and gives them enough time and space to grieve and start reorganising their lives.

  • It's ideal for those, such as parents or single parents, who have to support others.
  • Insure your kids and save on premiums: 50% family discount for accident risk and 5% for illness.

Individual Daily Indemnity Insurance: for the self-employed and employees

Ill health can have serious financial consequences. People who are self-employed are particularly at risk as they don't receive continued salary payments from an employer. But many employees are only insured by their employer for a certain period of time. Voluntarily taking out Individual Daily Indemnity Insurance is recommended if you don't want your savings to get eaten up by the high cost of doctors, hospitals, therapy and medication.

Life goes on – thanks to the right insurance

Individual Daily Indemnity Insurance covers the risk of a temporary loss of earnings if you become fully or partly unable to work. Because it can take up to two years in such cases before Federal disability insurance or the pension fund pays out any benefits.

  • Benefits start from just 25% work incapacity.
  • Cover can be tailored to your personal and financial needs.
  • Flexible premiums, depending on waiting period and benefit period.

Household expenses: this type of insurance pays

Running a home – whether or not you have children – can be a lot of work. If you're suddenly unable to do so because you've fallen ill or had an accident, chaos can quickly ensue. Household Expenses Insurance is a sensible way of making sure this doesn't happen. It covers the costs of childcare, home help and home-delivered meals, for example, and much more besides.

  • This type of insurance protects people aged between 16 and AHV retirement age.
  • For illness or accident, and 30 daily indemnities for maternity.
  • A daily amount of between CHF 10 and CHF 100 can be insured.

Hospitalisation: what types of insurance pay

Life can only be planned to a certain extent, and sometimes a stay in hospital can't be avoided. Hospitalisation Insurance covers costs that basic insurance doesn't: for example, a free choice of hospital and ward, including inpatient psychiatry, or additional benefits for rehabilitation.

  • Children are insured for free.
  • No costs in emergencies abroad
  • Exclusive additional benefits for outpatient treatment at a hospital.

Daily Hospital Indemnity Insurance: additional benefits

If you'd like to take out additional cover, you'll benefit from voluntary Daily Hospital Indemnity Insurance. Whether you need cover for hospital costs, loss of earnings or home help, if your doctor prescribes a stay in hospital, Daily Hospital Indemnity Insurance will pay a daily indemnity from the third day of illness.

  • You're free to choose the amount of the flat-rate daily indemnity – up to CHF 350 per day.
  • Persons insured with CSS get a 10% discount, or 25% if they have myFlex Hospitalisation Insurance.
  • A lump sum equal to 10 daily indemnities is paid for a birth-related stay.

Health insurance premiums at a glance

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