Arzt spricht mit Patient in Arztpraxis.

Second opinion

Surgery or no surgery? Sometimes a neutral second opinion is needed. Especially when it comes to impor­tant decisions regarding your health.

The advantages for you

  • You find out what alternatives there are to the planned surgery.
  • You’ll gain greater certainty in making the right decision.
  • Your situation is assessed by proven experts in the field.

Good to know

Free of charge for you

If you have supplementary medical costs insurance with CSS.

In just 10 days

You can get a second opinion online in around 10 days.

Expert advice

Renowned doctors based in Switzerland assess your case.

Many areas of specialisation

Planned operations in all areas of specialisation except oncology.

How to get a second opinion

Personally, from your chosen doctor

The CSS Health Coach is your personal point of contact for all questions related to a second opinion regarding your planned operation. You discuss the procedure for obtaining your second opinion together. You then arrange an appointment directly with the doctor of your choice.

Quick and online

Fill out the questionnaire and upload your documents. The qualified team of Swiss doctors will review your documents and give you a reliable, independent second opinion in around 10 working days.

Frequently asked questions

If everything is happening too fast for you, you have doubts about the need for surgery, or the medical procedure entails considerable risks – then a second opinion makes sense.

Yes. This offer gives you free use if you have supplementary medical costs insurance with CSS Versicherung AG.

Then we recommend taking the time to think things through and discussing both recommendations with the doctor treating you (family doctor or specialist). They can help you reach a decision.

With an online second opinion, it is still possible to submit your documents by post.

You can get a second opinion for all planned operations with the exception of oncology. Orthopaedics, traumatology, vascular diseases, neurosurgery, cardiac surgery, visceral surgery and urology can all be assessed online.

Man stands with smartphone on ear at breakfast table.
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