Slow carbs: staying slim with satiating carbohydrates

Slow Carbs: Dank sättigenden Kohlenhydraten länger satt

Eating slow carbs means no longer giving up carbohydrates altogether. Slow-release carbohydrates keep you feeling full longer and help you lose weight – with no sudden hunger pangs.

The difference between low carbs and slow carbs

As the name suggests, a low-carb diet means eating fewer carbohydrates. In the longer term, this diet can help you lose weight. However, this requires discipline, as it means that you can only eat pasta, bread and rice in very small quantities.

In the slow carbs diet, on the other hand, you don't build fewer carbohydrates, but slower carbohydrates, into your eating plan: wholemeal products, pulses and vegetables, for example. This means that you don’t have to say goodbye to your beloved pizza – it's more about enjoying a healthy alternative! How about, for example, a variation with spelt dough and homemade sugo, prepared in just 10 minutes? You will find the recipe further below.

Why doesn’t a croissant keep us feeling satisfied for long?

It’s time for the mid-morning snack and you’re faced with the choice of a deliciously smelling croissant and the notoriously healthy wholegrain roll. If only you didn’t always get so hungry again after eating a croissant! If you have always wanted to know why the wholegrain roll lasts longer, read on.

The secret of the slow carbs diet

The carbohydrates we consume are all made up of sugar chains of different lengths. However, our body can only process carbohydrates in the form of simple sugars. These are mainly found in sweets and certain types of fruit. In foods with slow-release carbohydrates, such as wholegrain bread rolls, the linked sugar components first need to be broken down.

This takes time – which is why they are called slow carbohydrates. This slow process leads to a longer feeling of being satisfied with the added positive side effect that you experience fewer sudden hunger pangs. And that’s why the wholegrain roll really is the better choice.

Slow carbs throughout the day

Besides the familiar wholegrain products, there are plenty of other foods with long-chain carbohydrates: examples include artichokes, hazelnuts, peppers, apples, flaxseed and berries. The following three points provide a few initial ideas for those aiming to incorporate slow carbs into their diet.

  • Don’t use white flour: use whole grain spelt flour instead.
  • Replace animal fats: fry with rapeseed oil instead of butter.
  • Serve bigger portions of vegetables: stretch the meal with vegetables or start your meal with a large salad.

Recipe ideas: Slow carb pizza with artichokes and ham

This recipe from the “Slow Carbs” book by Reichel & Wetzstein makes approx. 6-8 pieces.


  • 1 ready-made pizza dough (spelt)
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 200 g pelati tomatoes
  • herbs: a little oregano, salt, pepper
  • a little oil
  • 1 jar artichokes
  • 125 g ricotta
  • 60 g lean ham


  1. Pre-heat the oven to 250° C.
  2. Tomato sugo: press the garlic and mix with the pelati and herbs.
  3. Cover the spelt dough with the tomato sugo.
  4. Quarter the artichokes and spread them over the pizza.
  5. Spread spoonfuls of ricotta over the pizza.
  6. Season with salt and pepper.
  7. Bake the pizza in the lower section of the oven for 15 minutes until crispy.
  8. Remove the pizza, top with ham and serve.

Recipe source: Reichel & Wetzstein (2016). Slow Carbs: Kochen mit Kohlenhydraten, die satt, schlank und glücklich machen.

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