Nutrition knowledge

What nutrients are really in your food? Find out how easy it is to eat healthily. Everything you need to know about nutrition.

Sekundäre Pflanzenstoffe – Multitalente in Sachen Gesundheit

Secondary plant compounds

These foods are particularly high in secondary plant compounds.

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Black cumin oil is said to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

Black cumin oil

Is the oil a miracle cure? It’s said to be anti-inflammatory and antibacterial.

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Pseudocereal checklist

What are these grain alternatives, and how healthy are they really?

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Glutamate explained

Eggs seasoned with Aromat: how harmful is this glutamate flavour enhancer?

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Laid out on the tables are several packaged ready-made meals for lunch.

Convenience foods

Ready in a flash and always available: How healthy or unhealthy are convenience foods?

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Zöliakie: Wenn Glutenunverträglichkeit auf den Darm schlägt

Coeliac disease

When gluten affects the gut: all you need to know about gluten intolerance.

Gluten-free diet
Frau backt in Küche und streut Industrie-Zucker in eine Schüssel mit zerschlagenen Eiern.

Is sugar harmful?

Which type of sugar the body needs and which type is unhealthy over an extended period.

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Zwei Frauen sitzen auf Fenstersims, trinken ein warmes Getränk und geniessen die Zeit zusammen.

Avoid alcohol

Just a short break from alcohol benefits body and mind alike.

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Man preparing food in kitchen.

Nutrition counselling

Make long-lasting changes to your eating habits with help from professionals.

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