Courses provided by CSS Health Coaches

Motivating yourself to make a change in your life or to tackle a health problem isn't always easy. We can help.

To the course plan

The advantages for you

  • Experts from the fields of nutrition, exercise, psychology, nursing and family counselling lead the courses.
  • You’ll reflect on your own behaviour patterns and develop a personal action plan to achieve your goals.
  • Various techniques and strategies will help you implement what you’ve learnt.
  • Group discussions will enable you to benefit from the ideas and experiences of other course participants.

Course plan 2024 / 2025

Date Status
Digital detox weekend
(SAC hut Spitzmeilen)
September 2024
already taken place
Resilience – train your inner strength (online)
October 2024 More on the course (in german)
More relaxation in daily life (Lucerne)
November 2024 More on the course (in german)
How to change habits – diet and exercise (online)
January 2025 More on the course (in german)
Strong parents: resilience training (Baden AG)
March 2025
More on the course (in german)

Professionally led courses

The courses are led by our Health Coaches who are all trained experts in the respective course subjects. If group courses don’t appeal to you or you’d like to delve deeper into the topic afterwards, you’re welcome to book a personal coaching session.